FACE HALO Sustainable Make Up Remover Pad | Beauty | Review


Would it shock you if I confessed to not washing my face properly before I found FACE HALO? ... Me too - Whoops. 

I used to wash my face with a flannel but often found them too hard & uncomfortable to use on my skin I would rather just skip cleansing. I never religiously cleaned my face with water, I'd use micellar water instead. 

Removing your makeup can feel like a CHORE - I'm sure I'm not the only one right?

Suffering from Acne, skipping washing my face was not a good idea - but irritating it with flannels wasn't either. 

I'm not really sure what made me give FACE HALO a try, but I am SO glad I did! I now wash my face morning and night every day. I've been using them for about a year now and nothing compares. 

I simply love that it's a super soft, small, round, thick, reusable cotton pad. 

It's so easy to use and honestly, I've never known anything take makeup off as well and as quick! 

You need to try it to believe how good it is.

It will remove your makeup with water alone - every last bit. 

I personally do use a cleanser but on my eyes I just use water and within seconds my heavy mascara has vanished without irritating my skin and without pulling out my eyelashes. 

If you use a flannel, you will never get mascara off your eyes on it's own. 

I bought my first one for £7. At the time it seemed quite a lot for a 'flannel', but now I totally get it and it's totally worth the money. It's of course re-usable so you obviously get your moneys worth and use of out it.

After each use I'd put it in the wash and I soon realised I needed more so I could use it all the time. I bought a pack of 3 so now I have 4 to rotate. 

I also just discovered there is a body one which I NEED to get my hands on! I hope it's as good as the face one. 

Have you tried them? I know they are very popular now but not everyone has tried them. Let me know in the comments if you have & what you think. 

Hol xx

Check them out here > 

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