My fluffy hat | Faux fur hat

I went to Meadowhall the other week and obviously went to Debenhams which resorted in me buying a new faux fur hat! 

My dad bought it to me and told me to try it on - so I did thinking it would look ridiculous.. but I loved it! Only one problem - the price. Thankfully my dad gave me some money towards it because he liked it and said I should get it. It was £26, which to me is so much money for one hat that isn't really practical to wear often. But it is just so cute and it keeps you so so warm but doesn't make you too hot. I'm basically paying for the name I think as it's John Rocha, but the quality will be fab & it will last for years I'm sure!

I went to a Bonfire night and spent hours in the cold but I was nice and toasty & I'm sure it was because I was wearing this! 

What do you think? :) 

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