Heeeello! Happy New Year! :)
I haven't blogged for a while after a little break. I felt like blogging, reading blogs and watching YouTube videos was taking over a little so over christmas I had my time off and chilled without picking my computer up. I have really missed it though and it's made me realise I'm overly lazy with my blog.
I have a huge passion for beauty and I love blogging but I feel like if I don't post more regularly, why would you bother coming back to check if I might have posted every once in a while.
So - I have decided, I'm going to post every Sunday and if I post extra in the week, consider it a lucky extra. I'm considering Fridays too but we'll see.
I would love to blog as a job but I do have a full time job so blogging remains my hobby at the moment.
Hopefully this will encourage you to follow my blog or pop along every week to see my new posts.
I would majorly appreciate it!
Have a magical 2015