* Holidays are Coming! *

As i'm feeling very Christmassy this year, I feel like sharing our "When Gemma took Hollie to Meadowhall" road trip :)
Gem (the Sister) asked me to book Friday 23rd November off work so we could go to Meadowhall in Sheffield to do some Christmas shopping! It was a bit random, as normally we'd go there with our parents but I just thought, well that will be nice! And booked it off :)
So off we went.. Gem drove us there in her new car - Leo the Leon <3
(yaaay - successful drive to Meadowhall - tick).
When we got there, she revealed we'd actually gone to see the Coca Cola Christmas Lorry :D Eeeeekk! She thought she'd surprise me because along with the rest of the world, when you see the Christmas Coke Lorry advert, you know "Holidays are coming!" (*ting ting ting ting ting!*).
Gem felt a little bad because I was so looking forward to shopping haha but we had time to shop as well & she knew I would love to see the lorry - so thank you Sister!
Here are our pictures to get you in the festive spirit x

Haha This was 100% natural, I just found it funny. She casually gets her drink out & I'm like ooh ohh - wait there, don't move hehe

Hope you liked this post - thanks for reading! And thank Gem for taking me  - had such a good day!
Hollie x

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  1. Aw so lovely - cant believe how close Xmas is now!

  2. Thank you for reading :D (& commenting) I know! 14 days!! Eek! Just browsing your blog - love it. How do you get a fancy title :( x

  3. Great photographs. Id love to see a coca cola truck! Im still such a kid at heart haha. Have a lovely christmaS:)

    1. Thank you :) It's touring the UK until the end of the year (oh - I wrote that as if it was 3 months away :O)

      And me too! I think I always will be lol. Thanks for reading/commenting & have a lovely christmas too! I'll take a look at your blog hopefully some time soon - I'm off to make cake pops! X
