Wonderful Christmas Gift Ideas!

Ok Ok .. I know Halloween comes first and most people 'have to get past Halloween before they even think about Christmas!' But personally, I have been waiting for Christmas since last year!

I always out-do myself when it comes to presents! I love to give them and try to improve on the last year after year so people aren't disappointed. I basically love to make people happy because I'm a super nice person :)

Over the last few years while I've been able to buy presents with my own money, I think I have found some things that made lovely presents. So I thought I would share them with you in case you haven't seen or heard about them and may be completely stuck for what to buy! :)

Here are a few ideas - Let me know in the comments what you think of them :) & If you like them and my blog please click the follow button ; ) >>>
From You To Me -

These books are actually amazing! I found them 2 years ago. Bare with me...

I specifically always get stuck for what to buy my grandparents! They are not really ones for going out socially (unless it's with the family or on proper holidays to see friends), they don't drive or anything and my uncles and aunties would buy them any books or DVDs etc that they would like usually. I simply want something that is personal and something that means something!

So I got one of these! Which actually brought a tear to her eye when she opened it on Christmas day! This was the reaction I was hoping for as my 'mamma', as I call her doesn't really show emotion on a regular basis!

You can buy the books for the following people & occasions - Sister, Brother, Grandma, Grandad, Mum, Dad, Future Self, Son, Daughter, Friend, Our Story (love) & Baby stories. They do a few different designs and a few more options so take a look on their website.

(Image source)

Concept! - The book has a lot of questions in about general life and the time you grew up.

'What was your first job', 'Were there any big events (Royal Weddings/Olympics etc) in your time' & 'How did you meet your husband' are just a few examples of  a book full of questions. The books are A5 but are big enough to write your answer down. There are blank pages for you to add pictures and there is a notes section at the back. They are very high quality.

So - you buy one for whoever you wish and they fill it out. In years to come, they hand it back to you so you have a keep sake of their memories!

I actually can't think of anything better than this! I bought one for my sister too! She absolutely loved it (she's 25) and for my 21st this year, as she knows how much I love them - she bought me one!! :D YAY! I don't want to fill it out straight away as I want to take time over my answers and live my life a bit more first :D

I really hope this is new news to you because they make perfect presents! You can also buy as many as you like for different family members and friends, because every single one is personal to them and to you! After all, they aren't like DVDs where you can buy that same DVD for 2 people in one household.

Buy them here!

Up next - Biscuiteers Biscuits!

These make an incredible & unique gift for everyone! They are iced biscuits (roughly 16 bpt) which are presented in a lovely high quality metal tin. Each layer separated with crate cardboard..you know - the crispy stuff and are glued onto it so they don't break ^^. You can also get cakes and chocolate!

They aren't cheap, but they are a fair price for what you receive! They create a WOW moment when their opened and really, they are probably what you'd pay for a present. (Prices vary obviously).

They make brill presents if you need a gift for a party host!

We gave the 'Congratulations' biscuits to our boss as her leaving present from the team (Booo :( ) and she assured me they were yummy! They certainly looked it. It was perfect for her as she was going on holiday the day after she left so she took them on her travels with her! I didn't want to buy her flowers because she was going away!

They make them for every occasion so if you don't fancy them as a Christmas present, you can keep this idea for another time! They do amazing Halloween ones!

Oh & did I mention you get £5 off your first ever tin!!

What are you waiting for!...Check them out here!

A Glossy Box Subscription -

In my 'Beauty Wishlist' post, I mentioned a glossy box 3 month subscription would make a lovely gift! For a beauty addict that may not have heard of them (Cousins, Mother in Laws, Sisters) I think they would be perfect! Keep their Christmas excitement buzzing throughout the new year!

(Image source) and sign up to subscribe here!

Heart U Back Bracelet! -

(Image source)

I bought one of these bracelets for me and my sister for her birthday. With me being a MASSIVE animal lover (cats specifically) and my sister being a lover of cats, I thought these were perfect!

For every bracelet you buy (£19.99) the RSPCA donate some money to their charity. It actually isn't a large amount which guts me but at least it's something as the bracelet has other sentiments.

The bracelets will always be on trend and again, they are solid quality! Mines still going strong and I've had it for over a year. The silver part that has the cotton wrapped around is actually bones to represent a dog or cat. They are also friendship bracelets so we have a 3 way bond to them between being able to give a donation to animals, it ties in with us loving our cats and our friendship as sisters!


You can buy them here!

Finally - Obviously there are your normal presents you think of 'Books - CDs - DVDs - Beauty products ;) - Games - Tickets - Clothes' etc etc.

Personally I love love love my DS! I'm obviously a 21 year old female but I love the following games for my DS. My sister also loves them and shes 26 :) I think newer DS games (apart from Super Mario Bros and Professor Layton!) aren't as good as they could be & aren't as good as most old school computer games. So if you have a family member that loves their DS too, check these out -

Hotel Dusk - If you've never played this or your family member or friend!... Go buy it now! Just Google it and you'll find where to buy it. It's amazing. It's a full in depth story of an ex LAPD detective set in the old days. It's so fascinating and you have to figure out the clues for yourself. It really makes you think and you get into 'Kyle Hydes' <3 world! With the surprises in the story lines - you won't be disappointed! The story lasts a very long time, it's not one of those that you can finish in 2 days! This also shouldn't be too expensive as it's old.

Oh - and check their actual website out http://www.hoteldusk.com/ It's amazing and you get previous and a proper feel and sum up of the story!! :D

The Secret Window - This is the follow up game from Hotel Dusk. I didn't actually know this existed until last Christmas when my mum bought it for me!! :D I always looked for 'Hotel Dusk 2' or something. I was actually not sure if I wanted to play it because I was dreading it wouldn't live up to Hotel Dusk! I'm so glad to say I was not disappointed. Kyle Hyde has moved to an apartment and the apartment block is holding so many secrets along with every character in the story! Ooo I love it! You have to buy it! Google it!

Professor Layton - I love Professor Layton games! I'm going to try my hardest not to buy this before Christmas so someone can buy it for me! ; ) As their so popular, you/family member etc may have already played on it but it's just a reminder that the new one is out and it looks BRILLIANT! And if you like this, the story line doesn't compare to Hotel Dusk.

Super Mario Bros 2 - I have been very good and have managed not to buy this yet! It's so popular, it's another reminder that you may not have thought of. I have the first one on the Wii and its fantastic! You can't go wrong with a classic ;)

So - I'm sorry for rambling on for so long! I just want to help you all with your Christmas ideas as I know how hard it is to buy for people! I am so so passionate about all of the above which is why I talk so much! Forgive me :)

Hollie x

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