How I cheer myself up! :D

I thought I would post on how I cheer myself up!! :D As I have been feeling a little down or rather, not myself this week :( Booo But...I feel MUCH better now! It's sort of like a 'Haul' but with a cheer up spin I suppose.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! Oh no - I've just found a spider crawling down my wall! Quick! Someone save me! I'll have to hunt down my pool cue! Bare with me...
OH it's ok! Panic OVER - my sister rescued me form a jumping mini thick horrible spider!! Now Bella my cat is going to have a hunt. I tried to squish it and it fell form my ceiling! :( Oh I hate them!
So...This is how I cheer myself up :D If you ever need a pick me up - try these out...
Read Beauty Blogs and watch Beauty Youtubers! <3 Which i'm sure everyone reading this will do anyway! This cheers me up massively. I'm such a nosey person I love to see how other people live and what products they use, where they go on holiday etc etc. They just put a smile on my face when realising that there are people out there as weird and obsessed as me :)  

Cuddle my cat <3 If you have an animal - you will know they are the most calming things on the planet! They give you so much love and their little smiles and quirks can cheer anyone up! This is my little cat Bella :) We've had her a year and a half now and shes getting such a big personality and finding her own places to sleep and ways of doing things. Before she came to us, she had 5 owners in 1 year!

Oh bless her! (Excuse the obviously matching Jarmas ; ) )

Ok...this is a big one! I've been wanting to clear my make up out for years! It's taken over my room literally, under my bed in big boxes, in my draws, on my desks rar rar rar! It's EVERYWHERE! So...I am so proud on myself that I took the step to sort it out! I had to be ruthless, have my eyes half closed and throw things to clear my life! Once I got into it, it was actually pretty easy! I had a throwing out pile and a give away to mum, gem & cousins pile. Look :D & I'm sure this isn't all of it!

5 deep boxes full...Lip glosses/sticks/balms - Eye shadows - Nail polishes (reduced this stash a few weeks ago) - Eye liners and mascaras - Foundations and powders!

My long draw full!

+ a bag! Just to easily bring it downstairs to sort out.

This is what I threw out or I'm giving away...

Buy some hair dye! :D This will always cheer me up! I am a hair dye obsessive! I've been dying my hair for ever and can't decide on a colour that proper suits me. I actually think (not being big headed) that any colour suits me really which is why I have so much indecisiveness? on what colour to go for.

I've wanted to 'dip dye' my hair for years, but thought better of it. So when the L'Oreal Brush on Ombre Kit came out I couldn't believe it. everyone has jumped on that band waggon which puts me off. I don't like to follow crowds. I did however go to Tesco in the week and thought - why shouldn't I?! Get it while it's out. It will probably be out of fashion by the time I dye it - but I don't mind :) I just don't know whether to dye it darker first .. choices choices! Hair Dye always makes you feel like a renewed person.

Buy some nail polish and perfume :)
I bought the Hugo Boss Orange perfume <3 I hadn't smelt it until 2 weeks ago but instantly loved it! It's quite a strong smell but not strong in the way of it stuffing up your nose! It's a bold scent should I say! It's a romantic, peachy vanilla woody scent! That's the best I can describe it! But I recommend it for a 'not too much but enough' perfume.

I also bought some new Essie Nail Polish. This is the first time I've bought any! I've always wanted to buy it but there expensive when your so indecisive. I got them from as they have them on offer for £3.25! There are limited shades to choose from, but as they are normally somewhere around £8, that's a good saving.

Shades I bought.. Green =Navigate Her. Brown = Case Study. Pinky rose brown = Buy me a Cameo.

I just rushed this on so you could see what they look like. Obviously they have been applied over my SensatioNail too. They were so easy to apply! The colours look stronger in real life.

Buy some winter Boots! I bought these from Tesco but haven't worn them yet as I didn't know what to wear them with! I've been looking out for some though and these fit the bill! There very comfy, have a little heal and look neat with a hint of 'slouchy'. They were also only £19!! Bargain!

Eat some Ice Cream! *warning* Greedy tip - this could make you fat! I have Tescos own Raspberry Ripple (It's gorgeous!), crushed digestive biscuit or a crushed ice cream cone, white chocolate pieces and raspberry sauce! :O I know I know...but it tastes amazing!

For some magic in our lives...

Read Harry Potter or Dynamos new book! I love love love Harry Potter! I went to the studio tour in April this year just after it opened! It was the best day out I have ever had! It's so magical I loved it! I plan to post on this so I will save my essay for then! But the books absolutely calm me down! They take me, and probably most the world into Harrys world! A good read of any HP books will definitely calm you down.

Dynamo <3 Yeh - Where do I start... I LOVE him! He's so amazing and magical! His new book 'Dynamo - nothing is impossible' is out now. I have only read about 25 pages so far, but when you pick it up, it's hard to put it down! I'm keen not to rush through it and it has a good amount of pictures in too which is good!

I went to meet him at one of our localish Asdas earlier in the year! Wow. I have always wanted to meet him and completely lost all my 'How to speak' know how! Here's me, Dynamo and my sister :)

Look through Disneyland Pictures! This is bound to cheer me up! Oh I had such an amazing time! The only thing that makes me sad it that I need to go back now! But I know I will go back hopefully next year :D So that makes me happy again!

Finally (I think) Watch Waterloo Road!! Old episodes of course. I am a massive obsessive! If you want to know more - leave a comment and I could publish a BIG post on this!
Above everything I have written, watching the old episodes on DVD can calm me down in a fire! It's written so well, covers real life topics which are played out so realistically by amazing actors/actresses that I was hooked since the first day it was on TV. It feels like yesterday to me, but its been out now roughly 6 years :'( <- THAT depresses me! :P I watch it every morning and night because I'm a geek! (*ahem* I'm watching it now)! If I could choose one thing for the rest of my life to watch, this would be it.

Oh - one last thing ;) I knew they would be... play Hotel Dusk on my DS! <3 This has a very similar effect to Waterloo Road for me!

Hope this didn't bore you too much! Let me know how you cheer yourself up!

And if none of these do it for you... #DanceLikeNoonesWatching! That will do the trick ;)

Hollie X

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  1. Your cat is actually beautiful!!!!!! Xx

  2. Ahh thank you!! :D She's so gorgeous, always has her tongue sticking out! Thanks for commenting! Xx
