Beauty Sleep zZzZZZZZ

Something that I definitely need to work on is fitting in at least 7-8 hours sleep at night!
It's hard to break a habit of getting to bed early enough to get enough sleep which will 100% benefit your skin, health/lifestyle and general daily productivity!
I have been trying really hard to go to bed/sleep earlier than I'm used to recently for these reasons, but for some reason I think to myself, "If I get in late, eat dinner, have a shower, go to sleep, wake up at 6 and do the same thing all over again day after day - why shouldn't I stay up late and make the most of my time at home rather than at work!"
That makes sense 'in the moment', but when my phone alarm is going off at 5.50am every morning, I wish I'd have gone to sleep earlier!
But up until now, I haven't really tried too hard to change my rut.
The reason I feel like my energy is zapped is mainly down to not getting enough sleep! I won't even tell you how many hours I don't get...
So when Dunelm Mill kindly contacted me to ask if I'd be interested in testing/reviewing a few products out for them, I was definitely keen to use them as tools to improve my sleep pattern!
So -I have been trying out a memory foam pillow which is honestly so so so comfy! I have been using it for just over a week now and feel like my joints are less strained and much more 'aligned' at night.
If you know me - you will know how much I can tilt my head, move my arm, bend my knee or twist my back to make the loudest cracking sound! I seriously need to do that to release the 'tension' everywhere. So having this pillow to sleep on at night has been a *ahem*..dream ; ) (Sorry - that wasn't intentional).
The pillow is fairly chunky, but when you sink into it, it slowly moulds to support your shape and align your joints to a natural, comfy and less strained position.
Normal sized pillow cases fit fine, without a tight fit.

Click HERE to view/buy your own :)

This one is £34.99 but there are alternatives available.
Click HERE to browse

As soon as I took it out the case, it acquired a fluffy visitor! <3
Nyaaar - I'm not the only one who loves it!

As well as the pillow, I received 2 duvets covers <3
First - This white set, called Rosalie which is so pretty and should go with everything in any ones room.

I haven't had an all white quilt before ever. It hadn't really sprung to mind as I'd usually go for patterned or coloured quilts. & I have to say that I really love it. It's the simplistic freshness that puts me in a peaceful mind before I sleep.
It has 4 rows of netting material made into roses which sit about a third of the way down from the top of the quilt and 2 lines that match for the pillow. The roses are placed in the perfect position if you want to pull your sheets over and back.

I have the single which comes with one pillow case.
The bottom fastens with buttons, not poppers.
It's really nice to iron with it being fairly thin but the cotton feels good quality.
The only 'bad' thing about it is that I've found it to crease easily - but it's a quilt - of course it's going to crease.

You can view/buy this ROSALIE duvet set HERE
Prices start from £22.99

The second was this Duck Egg Blue duvet:

It looks really premium and feels thicker than the white one. I haven't used that one yet because I don't have two beds :( Here are the pictures though and when I use it I will review it :)

It's called the 'ELIZABETH' collection. Click HERE to view/buy
Prices start from £24.99

The last duvet I bought from Dunelm was a gorgeous pink satin one for my double bed when my sister moved out a few years ago but when she moved back...she got to keep my bed & obviously quilt cover as my room isn't big enough :( Boo-hoo!
I have to say - I have for sure been looking forward to going to bed and getting my beauty sleep at night!
How much sleep do you get? Do you use a memory foam pillow? Maybe you should try changing your duvet cover more often to feel more refreshed.

Click HERE to browse the whole range of duvet sets/bedding.
I hope you enjoyed this post - thanks for reading & thanks to Dunelm Mill!
They offer great quality home essentials for fab prices!

Toodles Xx

(Update 3rd July - Love the look of this one! :O I should stop looking now)

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