SensatioNail - Update! 3 weeks on...

I won't state my reasons for not posting for a few days - instead, I will get straight into my post :)
I told you I would keep you updated on my SensatioNail journey :)
- If you haven't yet read my post on SensatioNail Starter Kit (Gel Nails) please do go and read it - it's quite informative ;)
When instructions are followed correctly, your gel nails should last for 'up to 2 weeks'. Of course I was questioning if they would really last that long but I am very pleased to let you know they did!
I actually kept mine on for 3 weeks! As they didn't flake off or chip, they were still presentable even though the colour was starting to raise from my cuticles.
Here is my journey in pictures:
Day 2 - Strong and very shiny!
After 1 week - Still strong and shiny but a little more matte
After 2.5 weeks - Strong with more of a matte shine
Ok, ok - There had to be a "downside" didn't there. Well - this would be it. Taking it off!
What a mare. If you're used to gel nails, you will be used to taking them off I guess. But to take them off, you have to use Nail Polish Remover that is NOT Acetone free.
You soak a cotton wool ball, lightly press onto your nail (yes one at a time - using a new cotton wool ball for each nail), keep it there and wrap kitchen foil around it. This allows the NPR to soak in and eventually lift the polish. It may sound a faff, but it's pretty quick once you get going.
I kept them on for roughly 10 minutes. I'm not sure what the proper time is that you should keep the foil on for.

This is what happened when I took the foil off. As you can see, it started to peel off on its own :)

Unfortunately - probably my error - the polished 'scraped' off and revealed this!
(Sorry for the bad quality picture! I couldn't find my proper camera so this was taken on my phone).

It basically had spots of colour still on each nail and it looked like I had just taken false nails on, attached with really strong glue. I'm guessing I should have applied more NPR to the cotton ball and left the foil on longer.

So - I tried the process again. However this time it didn't budge!

Last resort - pour the NPR into the lid, stand over the sink and place each nail directly into it. Well to be honest, I should have done this straight off! As my nails now look like this! Obviously you have to be very careful in case you have cuts around your nail or if you bite your nails, as the nail polish remover will sting! I was lucky and didn't have that problem!

Although the photo above isn't in focus, I'm sure you can see what I'm getting at here.

Conclusion - The removing process definitely wouldn't put my off buying the kit! I had so many lovely comments whilst wearing the polish and I actually felt like I had a spring in my step. I had great nails without constant effort of the up-keep and the high quality finish was fantastic.

 The shine stayed throughout the 3 weeks and I literally left my nails completely alone and they still looked great! Once you work out how to remove it, it's perfect! :D

I hope this was helpful! Let me know what you think! & if you have tried it yourself or have any tips to remove them! :)

And please follow if you enjoy reading :D -->

Hollie x

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  1. Hi Hollie, you need to buff all the top shiny layer off first and then use 100% Acetone, not just polish remover with acetone in it. Leave for 15 mins in the foil and it should flake off more easily :-)

    Your nails looked amazing though!

  2. Oooh thankyou! :D I will do that next time. I asked someone in store but she didn't seem to know either lol. Thanx 4 ur comment! X
